The Insertion sort is a sorting algorithm that takes each item and places it into the sorted list.
The algorithm works this way:
It iterates through the array once. It will take the current element and compare it with the previous element, if it’s smaller, then it will keep comparing it with elements down the list until it finds the place to insert it and then move to the next element. This way, all the elements in the array previous to the current one will be always sorted.
It has a best case speed of O(n) but average and worst case speeds of O(n^2).
For a faster algorithm, look at the Quicksort.
NOTE: This is used to sort an array of 4 byte data types. In order to keep the algorithm as simple as possible for this example, the array is traversed in increments and decrements of 4.
If you want to use this algorithm to sort items of smaller or larger data types, the solution would be to send the size of the data as a parameter and use that when traversing the array.
.model flat, c
;Code by Miguel Casillas.
;This code can be used and reproduced, please give credit
;void InsertionSort(void *pArray, int nItems);
InsertionSort PROC
;These registers must be restored at the end
push EBP
mov EBP, ESP
push EBX
push ESI
push EDI
;EBP + 8 is the array
;EBP + 12 is the number of items in the array
;setting ECX to the number of items
;we multiply by 4 (size of the element) in order to put ECX
;at the last address of the array
mov EAX, [EBP+12]
mov ECX, 4
mul ECX
mov ECX, EAX
;We will move 'i' and 'j' in increments and decrements of 4,
;which is the size of the elements
mov EAX, 4 ;EAX will be our 'i'
xor EBX, EBX ;EBX will be our 'j' (setting it to 0)
mov ESI, [EBP+8] ;ESI is the array
;If 'i' >= the number of items, exit the loop
cmp EAX, ECX
jge EndLoop
;Save our "number of items" value, we'll restore it later
push ECX
;ECX is now our "key", so, ECX = array[i]
mov ECX, [ESI+EAX]
;j = i-1
mov EBX, EAX
sub EBX, 4
;If j < 0, exit this loop
cmp EBX, 0
jl EndWhile
;If array[j] <= key, exit this loop
cmp [ESI+EBX], ECX
jle EndWhile
;array[j+1] = array[j]
push [ESI+EBX]
pop [ESI+EBX+4]
sub EBX, 4
;Go back to the top of this loop
jmp EnterWhile
;array[j+1] = key
mov [ESI+EBX+4], ECX
add EAX, 4
;restore our "number of items" value
pop ECX
;Go back to the top of the main loop
jmp MainLoop
;Restoring the registers
pop EDI
pop ESI
pop EBX
pop EBP
InsertionSort ENDP
Sorting a list of 10,000 random integers took an average time of 0.07452373 seconds, which ended up being about half the time of the Gnome Sort, yet not as fast, unfortunately, as the compiled C++ version of this algorithm.