Cosmic Mischief (Beta)

This page contains a video and screenshots of the beta version of Cosmic Mischief.
The information on the final version of the game can be found in:

To see the older versions of the project:

Cosmic Mischief is a game currently being developed by “Rise of Games”, a team of 8 programmers and 3 artists as their final project for the Bachelor of Science Game Development and the Bachelor of Science Game Art degrees respectively.
The game is currently in its beta state. This page will be updated when the game reaches gold, by the end of October.
This game is a multiplayer 3rd person arena shooter based around small planets, the player will have a gun, a jetpack and a drill. The drill will be used to mine mineral nodes on the planets that will reward the player with random upgrades for their jetpack, gun or health. The jetpack is used to fly around to planet or to travel to other nearby planets in order to find more enemies or crystal nodes.

Worked on collisions. Used a collision mesh and partitioned it via a spherical BVH.
There are three different types of bullets, the first one uses ray to sphere to collide with the player and the other two use moving sphere to sphere.
The players use sphere to mesh to collide with the world.
Created the game physics and spherical geometry functions.
Created an object manager to handle all the interactions between objects and a factory to handle the creation and recycling of bullets and effects.
Worked on creating gameplay, such as implementing the player, the drilling, the jetpack and the shooting dynamics.

To see the older versions of the project:




Gameplay Video:


An enemy landing on our planet, looking for a fight!
Cosmic Mischief

Mid flight to our lava planet.
Cosmic Mischief

Intense combat and a nice view.
Cosmic Mischief

Seeing an enemy travel from far away.
Cosmic Mischief

Two enemies at a time, oh no!
Cosmic Mischief

The crystals are now protected by grunts, be careful!
Cosmic Mischief

Enjoying a nice view of the level.
Cosmic Mischief